Matthias the Apostle! No, I didn't spell that wrong nor did I actually mean "Matthew." Were you aware of the Apostle Matthias? This small notation in the book of Acts occurs right off the bat in Chapter One.
It is a troubling decision to make as Barsabbas (Justus) is also a prime candidate to be the newest Apostle. Here are two men with the credentials necessary to "take over this apostolic ministry which Judas left to go where he belongs." (1:25) As you know, Judas, is the one who betrayed Jesus for 30-pieces of silver and later committed suicide. The void he created must be filled.
The remaining Apostles cast lots and the election goes to Matthias. Here is where it gets strange. Matthias disappears from the very moment of his appointment. In other words, Matthias leaves the scene just as quickly as he entered. This is the one and only time in all of Scripture that we hear about Matthias.
Think about that....he just became an Apostle, so you would think he would at least have written something worthy of being in the Scriptures. But, no. There isn't any information on him at all. We know nothing about where he came from or what he ended up doing. Yet, he was a chosen Apostle and a hero of the faith.
That's when it hit me....I'm a lot like Matthias! Are you? That unsung contributor, who, "behind the scenes," is busy doing a "little here" and a "little there." The unsung messengers that works outside of the spotlight that cleans up, does research, makes copies, sets up the dessert table, prints and folds the bulletins for Sunday worship, and all those "other" things that never seem to draw a crowd or the applause of an audience. You know...we're the ones who never get an award or a medal...never chosen as "employee of the month"....the ones who can't even seem to earn a certificate of appreciation!!
The Bible is filled with names of those who marched on with their job, their life, and their ministry without so much as a mention or cheer for all they did in their lifetime. People such as Epaphroditus, Phoebe, Andronicaus, Junia, Ampliatus, and Persis. Can we add our name to the list?
No, we may not all become a Bishop or a Superintendent....nor may we aspire to becoming a famous writer, military general, or university president, but we can be, as Matthias, a "witness to his [Jesus]resurrection." [1:22]
In other words, we can soar to new heights of sharing in the same calling as all the other Apostles to make Jesus Christ known to the world, our family, our neighbors and our community. Be a Matthias! Even if very little is known about you....even if you don't receive any recognition for what you an Apostle...go out and spread the Good News of the Gospel!