There are a lot of things I really don't know how to do so I am willing to leave those things to those who can. There are a lot of things I don't know how to do that I must attempt anyway despite how anxious, unwilling, or fearful I feel towards having to do it. That's pretty much how the military goes...especially at our service schools. Despite risk of injury in an obstacle course...climb up the 10-foot ladder, hang from the rope, and traverse the bridge 6 feet above water...whatever the risk...try anyway. Despite never running more than 3-4 miles run the 10k race anyway. Despite having no previous knowledge or experience with course subject matter speak up and offer what opinion or thoughts you do have. If there is one thing I've learned in all possible scenarios in the military is that you WILL NOT be criticized for trying. I've also learned (the hard way) that YOU WILL be criticized if you DON'T take a chance, make an attempt or at least speak up and say something as a way of contributing to the conversation. Regardless of what you think of your abilities or what you feel others think of your abilities, people want you to actively participate. In the military, we call that "contributing." Nothing will kill you more in a team-oriented environment than not contributing. No matter what...TRY ANYWAY. ....you face your fears...you overcome your anxiety...you swallow your pride...you boldly stand up and face the unknown with confidence...whatever, whenever, however...try anyway...CONTRIBUTE. Whenever you feel yourself scared to death that is the first indication that it is time to step up to the plate and step out to lead. Take a chance...stop spending so much time worrying over the various probabilities you might have to fall flat on your face...just try and put your effort and energy into the 1 or 2 possibilities that at least have a chance of working. Again, the least that could happen is that you will get applauded for trying. You will be shunned and booed for "playing it safe" and for not trying or contributing. The next time you are challenged to step out of your comfort zone or presented with a situation where "walking away" is so much easier than risking failure, GO FOR IT...LEAD THE WAY...TRY ANYWAY.
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