Monday, December 24, 2007

Presents or Presence for Christmas?

Commercialism, consumer spending, gifts, trees, office parties, and decorations...many things we associate with Christmas. Unfortunately, if you noticed, Jesus was not mentioned in the list. I did that intentionally just to see if you noticed it or not. We can sometimes get so wound up and caught up in the "concept" of Christmas that we forget the "Christ" who gives us Christmas. It is rather difficult to forget about Jesus at Christmas. Jesus is our Master, the Bridegroom, the Good Shepherd, our Prophet, Priest, and King. He is the Lord of lords and King of kings. Jesus Christ...the Holy One of God. He truly is "Emmanuel," God with us. Christmas isn't about a "holiday season" called is about Jesus Christ. It isn't about "presents" of toys or clothing, but Jesus Christ's "presence" in our lives. It is my prayer that you will desire God's presence within you more than presents from under the tree this season (and always). Don't get consumed in the consumerism of celebrating Christmas. Just celebrate Jesus! May your life be a continual declaration of Thomas' revelation in John 20:28, "My Lord and my God!" Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year in 2008.

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