Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Our Children Deserve.

If you have watched daytime television, you may have noticed that there has been a significant increase in "judge" programming since the good-ol' days of Judge Wapner and "The People's Court." For the most part, humanity is intrigued by justice and infatuated with seeing that one gets what they deserve. It is our nature to desire justice and what is fair. It is also human nature to ensure one gets all that is coming to them such as every possible tax deduction, every last penny of a reimbursement, and the proper portion of food paid for at a restaurant. We place high value on getting all that we think we deserve. So, to those of us with children, I wondered if we ever thought of placing that same mind-set towards them....that is, ensuring they get all they deserve. No, I am not talking about material possessions. I am talking about giving them ourselves as their parents. Do they get all they deserve in our time and undivided attention for mentoring, correction, and play. That is, do I watch them play or do I play along with them for "daddy time." Do I use moments of disobedience to demean them with scolding and slander or use it as an investment to teach them right from wrong? Do I make sure they say their prayers at night or do I simply hurry them off to bed because it has been a long day and I am tired? Let's start considering all the things we can do to invest in the lives of our children...after all, isn't that what they deserve?

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